Hope for 2024

Lourdes - Namibia

My long time desire, something close to my heart is that I cannot wait for that moment when care leavers will meet in one place. I am smiling as I am writing imagining the excitement, the connections, the curiosity, the laughter and pure joy we experience as we meet. I have dreamt of that for so long dear and I am sure in the depths of my heart that is going to happen someday. we see the need for such an event to take place, perhaps when the opportunity avails itself during a mass gathering of care leavers, we can all be distributed in different sections according to the different needs of care leavers e.g married care leavers, those who are still single, the unemployed etc.. for the activities to meet each one's needs while we will still be able to mingle with each other. If the Exchange Forum is to happen this year, it would be great but I am wondering about the logistics, expenses and all the work involved in making this a reality. Can we please discuss the possibility of sponsorship on such an event, what approaches and strategies can be done for the Exchange Forum to take place?
Let's fly together in the year of dragon many exciting moments ahead, and YES looking forward to make F2F carelevers conference happened, as we all grow together

Vuthaya - Thailand

Nimali - Sri Lanka

We must have a big workshop somewhere not only to heal ourselves,but to share all the great ideas,values, cultural ,state,country level situations of CL . Also to get much more leadership skills. Everything will be possible within this year.
I think it’s good to have nominated care leavers groups from each country to register on a platform for people exchange where each country needs to take responsibility for safety - logistics and all other needs when such an exchange happens.

Mordzifa Akpene - Ghana

Jeffreys Chasi - Zimbabwe

Care leavers around the world face similar challenges, and I believe our voices will be stronger if we unite. Imagine a global conference where we can connect, share experiences, and work together to make our concerns heard. But to make this dream a reality, we need support. Organizations can help sponsor our conference, providing a platform. Many countries have care leaver networks, but they need support in areas like fundraising, governance, and advocacy. With training and collaboration, this can be achieved.
Once each care leavers network is registered it will be under the supervision of that network - so the risk of individuals is mitigated. I think it’s a good topic for a care leavers cafe session - “To whom do you speak? “ And discuss to whom they turn when challenges are faced - we can see if this is a global issue and how it affects from country to country and do a survey with three basic questions so we have verified facts for future references. 25 care leavers from each country and 25 countries.

Moses Akash - Sri Lanka

Martine - Netherlands

My ambition is to mainly listen to all Care leavers and try to be of support as much as possible…. Let's make 2024 a good one!
Just want to put my best efforts so that care leavers get their voices heard, their dues met, their bonding becomes greater! In one voice, they raise their issues before the UN. Lets try our best to support

Kiran Modi - India

Tanja Abou - Germany

“There's so many things I wish for! My current dream is an in-person care leavers conference, organized by care leavers, for care leavers. With LOTS of funding ;) And I wish for this community to grow!” My vision is, that Care Leavers can create a strong community and get support from their corporate parent: the states that they live in, so they won't have to worry so much. To say it with Lemn Sissay: I don't want to survive - I want to live!
It's been our collective dream to bring all care leavers under one roof...we were almost there in 2020 but for covid....I am sure this will happen soon.

Leena Prasad - India

Amit Sharma - India

My hope for the careleaver community in 2024 is that we are able to expand the voices in this group by including the voices of regions that we may have not been able to include so far and it becomes more diverse and vibrant with understanding and decoding problems from every corner of our beautiful planet
It's nice to feel this energy here. I definitely support this goal too. Perhaps the first step could be to see together what resources are currently available to see what can be realized with them? Perhaps it would be possible to bring some care leavers together at one place to go on...just an idea of step by step closer to the big dreams!

Dorothee - Germany

Ljiljana Ban - Croatia

I wish that your dreams come true or at least come a few steps closer to their full realization! Connected with that wish is also my wish for the care leavers community - let's dream big and start already today with step by step planning. So, I copy paste Doro's wish - let's see what we have and see if care leavers can meet this year in person in one place. In person gatherings have that magical power to push things hundred steps forward
My hope for 2024 for GCLC is to see a In-Person Exchange Forum for Care Leavers getting launched in 2024

Surja - India

Mausumi - India

Connecting with people from different countries and sharing your experiences as care leavers can create a supportive and empowering community. By exchanging stories, you can foster understanding, empathy, and provide valuable insights into the challenges and triumphs faced by care leavers globally.